EndorsementsLinks below will open a page showing a photographed letter of recommendation. George Gruhn, Gruhn GuitarsRandy Wood, Randy Wood GuitarsRobert S. Cooper, Cooper WorkshopRuss Barenberg, Acoustic Guitarist and ComposerPat Flynn, Guitarist and Songwriter |
Image from an autographed CD given to Scott Kinsey by John Hartford, for whom Kinsey performed services on a variety of instruments while in Nashville, TN.Endorsements Received Via Email Former John Denver guitarist and songwriter, Rocky Mountain High and other John Denver songs Dear Scott, Note: This lute was constructed by Robert Cooper and bears a label dated 1990. The top had sustained sufficient damage over the years to dictate replacement and Robert recommended me for the job. He now refers to it as a Cooper/Kinsey hybrid. The in-progress carving on my Repair & Restoration page features the replacement for the damaged top. Carver Blanchard of NYC is the owner of this lute and is one very fine player.To all concerned about the health and welfare of their musical instruments: Jim Wood, Five-Time Tennessee State Fiddle Champion and multi-instrumentalist.
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